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To place an order, call 913-879-2587 7:30 A. M. - 3 P. M  CST Mon-Fri 
Web site updated 2/12/25  
Smith Poultry & Game Bird Supply

New 3100 and 3200 Chick-bator Incubators


Coming Soon - Available for shipping the second week of March directly from GQF Mfg.

GQF will offer a new automatic humidity accessory

that works with both models later in the year.

The new Chick-Bator incubators are18 ½” x 18 ½” x 9 ½”.  Without a turner, each holds about 50 duck or chicken eggs or 130 quail eggs. The incubator bottom is constructed of insulated double-wall plastic with a clear top and an external water reservoir. The incubators can be used with any of the GQF automatic egg turners shown on this page.

3100   Chick-Bator is a replacement for 2370 Styrofoam Hova-Bator.  Is uses the same thermostat but uses a new 60-watt heat element assembly. Incubator temperature is digitally displayed. 110 Volt AC                                     


3200   Chick-Bator  is a replacement for the 1588 Styrofoam  Hova-Bato. It uses the same thermostat as the 1588 but with a new 60-watt heat element assembly,  Incubator temperature and humidity are digitally displayed. The unit plugs into a 110 Volt outlet and has a transformer that lowers the current to 12 Volt DC



GQF Has discontinued the manufacture of  1588, 2365, and 2370 Hova Bators Models 1602 and 1583 Hova Bators will be manufactured as your order is placed so do not wait until you have eggs to set to order. Models 1602N,& 1583 come with thermometers and a sanitary plastic line (item # 1765. All Hova-Bator incubators are 18 ½” x 18 ½” x 9 ½”. Without a turner, each holds about 50 duck or chicken eggs or 130 quail eggs.   Automatic egg turners must be purchased separately. Hova-bators are drop-shipped from GQF.

1602     Still-air Hova-Bator Incubator has 2 5” x 4” observation windows; comes with wafer & thermometer. Operational temperature range - 70 to 110º F. Using an egg turner is not recommended for this model.


1583     The top has a large clear plastic window for viewing the incubation and hatching process.  This window is double plate plastic with air space insulation to help eliminate moisture build-up. The operating system is a wafer-thermostat.  The circulated air incubator is 100 volt, 25 watt.


GQF Automatic Egg Turners

Will work with the 1602N, 1583, and

the new 3100 and 3200 Chick-bator Incubators

1611     All turners are TUV listed. They are 110 Volt AC, measure 15” x 15” x 3”, and can be used with any current production Hova-Bator. Egg turner  holds 41 eggs -  any size egg  from a partridge egg to a duck or chicken egg.



1610  Turner pictured with quail racks in place  has 6 universal & 6 quail egg racks which will hold up to 120 quail eggs.


1614     Goose turner holds 19 goose eggs.


1614OS  Goose turner with 4 horizontal racks for incubating goose or other large eggs horizontally.  Comes with your choice of 1 set of 6 interchangeable chicken racks or quail racks.  See picture below 1614 turner. Only 3 left in stock.


Replacement Parts for GQF Hova Bators & Egg Turners


1730   Allows the 1586, 1588 or 2355 to be plugged into an automobile cigarette lighter.  This is a great item to have on hand in case the power goes off.


1729   Cord & clips allow the 1586, 1588 or 2365 to be attached to a 12 volt battery.


1645  Tubular Heat Element 1602N and  2362N Hova-Bators


1655   Motor for 1610, 1611, & 1614 turners (not pictured)


1696   Set of 6 replacement quail racks for 1611 turner produced before May, 2018  (no turning framework or turning motor).


1686  Set of 6 replacement chicken racks for 1611 turner produced before May 2018, (no turning framework or turning motor).


1696 Plus  While they last!! Set of 6 replacement chicken racks plus set of 6 replacement quail racks


2364   110 Volt Turbo Fan Kit for 1602 or 1583 Hova Bators  DROP SHIP ONLY
